Educational Programs

YÉOL’s educational programs on traditional Korean culture include the YÉOL Lecture for non-Koreans that is conducted in English, domestic and overseas field trips to historical sites, museum tours, and the historical walking tour of Seoul. Our educational programs are updated every year. To encourage young people’s involvement in traditional Korean culture, YÉOL provides the “Young YÉOL Program” that includes cultural heritage trips and lectures.

This program is about learning and experiencing Korea’s environment, history, and culture by traveling through beautiful nature to the historical sites.

2024 해외 답사 - 교토 (2024 Overseas Cultural Excursion - Kyoto)작성일   2024-10-04


October 1~4, 2024




살랑살랑 가을바람이 불어오는 청명한 10예올 후원자들과 함께 교토로 예술 산책을 떠났습니다.

바람의 교회와 효고 현립 미술관, 오야마자키 미술관을 둘러보며 안도 다다오의 건축을 감상할 수 있었고 미호 미술관, 나카노시마 미술관, 대덕사 등을 방문하여 공예와 미술에 대해 탐구해보는 특별한 시간을 보냈습니다.
