Educational Programs

YÉOL’s educational programs on traditional Korean culture include the YÉOL Lecture for non-Koreans that is conducted in English, domestic and overseas field trips to historical sites, museum tours, and the historical walking tour of Seoul. Our educational programs are updated every year. To encourage young people’s involvement in traditional Korean culture, YÉOL provides the “Young YÉOL Program” that includes cultural heritage trips and lectures.

The YÉOL Lecture was started in 2003, at the Seoul Museum of History and is conducted in English. It is meant for foreign residents residing in Korea as well as Koreans, but also for individuals who are willing to act as goodwill ambassadors for promoting Korean culture abroad, as well as members of the general public who want to deepen their understanding of Korean culture. The lecture provides broad overview on history and Interesting topics on Korean culture.

2021 예올주니어 쿠킹 클래스 - 떡과 음료 (YÉOL Junior Cooking Class - Korean Traditional Desserts)작성일   2021-08-07







August, 07, 2021

2021 예올주니어 쿠킹 클래스 - 떡과 음료 (YÉOL Junior Cooking Class - Korean Traditional Desserts) 


지난 8월 07일, 자양동 Tasty K의 스튜디오에서 '떡과 음료'를 주제로 쿠킹 클래스가 진행되었습니다. Tasty K의 황정아 대표님의 설명과 함께 한국의 전통다과와 전통음료의 종류와 다양성에 대해 알아보는 시간을 가지며, 단호박 경단과 조청 강정, 오미자 화채를 직접 만들어보았습니다. 함께 만든 전통다과를 통해 성취감을 느끼고 음식에 대한 감사함을 배울 수 있었고, 이번 쿠킹 클래스를 통해 예올주니어 친구들이 모두 건강하게 여름을 보낼 수 있길 바랍니다. 


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