Educational Programs

YÉOL’s educational programs on traditional Korean culture include the YÉOL Lecture for non-Koreans that is conducted in English, domestic and overseas field trips to historical sites, museum tours, and the historical walking tour of Seoul. Our educational programs are updated every year. To encourage young people’s involvement in traditional Korean culture, YÉOL provides the “Young YÉOL Program” that includes cultural heritage trips and lectures.

Cultural heritage preservation works cannot last long without the participation of the next generation. The Young YÉOL program offers cultural heritage field trips and lectures for the young people who deeply wish to learn and cherish the beauty of our traditions.

2019 영예올 동림매듭공방 (Young YÉOL Donglim Knot Workshop)작성일   2019-02-23






February, 23, 2019

2019 영예올 동림매듭공방 (Young YÉOL Donglim Knot Workshop)


지난 2월 23일, 영예올 회원분들과 북촌에 위치한 동림매듭공방을 방문하였습니다. 예로부터 전래되어 오는 전통매듭은 노리개, 허리띠, 주머니 등에 장식용으로 많이 쓰였으며 왕의 의복에 

장식되는 등 그 쓰임이 다양했습니다. 매듭기능전승자이신 심영미 선생님을 모시고 우리의 전통 매듭과 그 역사에 대해 배우며 작은 부분에도 우리 선조들의 지혜가 담겼음을 느낄 수 있는 

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